Healthy Sleeping Time

1. “Noon”: 23:00-1:00, is the gallbladder meridian is the most prosperous time.

If you don't sleep at this time, it's easy for your gallbladder to have problems in the long run, and you will have bitter mouth, chest pain, dull color, dry skin, and so on. So girls say to “sleep for beauty” really makes sense.

2. “Ugly time”: 1:00-3:00, is the liver rest time.

If you don't sleep at this time, your eyes will be tired, your vision will decline, and you will be irritable. People who overuse their eyes need to pay more attention to the health of their liver.

To get a good night's sleep, do these things first.

① Keep your bedroom quiet, dark and gloomy.

A dark environment promotes the pineal gland's production of melatonin, which controls the circadian rhythm cycle. Isolate outside light sources with heavy curtains and mask annoying sounds with a fan or white noise.

② Follow your own nature.

It's easier to switch to sleeping at night because of your body's own state. So try to mentally prepare yourself to fall asleep at night by reading a few pages of a book, spending 5 to 10 minutes on personal hygiene, or meditating for a while.

③ Make sure your bed is used only for sleeping.

Avoid working, reading or watching TV in bed. If you wish to associate sleep only with your bed, then all you need to do in bed is sleep soundly instead of flipping pancakes all night.

④ Tame your stomach.

Either being too full or too hungry can interfere with sleep. Don't eat a big meal before bed or you'll be too hungry to sleep. If you're really hungry, eating a carb-rich snack can trigger the release of serotonin in your brain and help you relax. Try whole grain crackers or a bowl of milk cereal or a small serving of turkey. These foods are rich in amino acids, which are also known to promote sleep.

⑤ Beware of caffeine.

Excessive amounts of caffeine each day can lead to irregular sleep, even if it doesn't play a role in your sleep schedule. at age 50, your metabolism slows down, and caffeine stays in your body for longer periods of time, even 10 hours.

(6) Bathing.

Take a hot bath one to two hours before bedtime. When you get out of the tub, your body temperature will gradually drop, making you feel tired. But don't take a bath before bedtime; it will make you excited and you won't be able to sleep instead.

⑦ Don't force yourself to sleep.

If you can't sleep for half an hour, you don't have to lie in bed and be sad. Just do something else to relax, such as listening to soothing music or browsing magazines, or drinking a cup of hot milk.

⑧ A good bed

The bed should not be too soft, it will lead to improper sleeping posture, muscle stiffness and back problems. If the mattress dents when you lift up the bed, then the bed is too soft. If your mattress is older than 10 years, it's best to replace it with a mattress that has a comfortable firmness.